Brisbane Art Deco

I so love seeing examples of Art Deco or Moderne architecture that my pulse quickens. The wave of “modernism” that came fairly late to Australia, resulted from many architects having undertaken study tours to Europe in the early 1930’s. Much of the stylistic vertical influence of Art Deco was concentrated in the larger cities and after a time dispersed to settle  in many small towns and regional centres (like Murwillumbah and Mackay).

Although the term Art Deco was coined as a stylistic furniture phrase in Paris during the 1920’s, it captured a future, focused on a modern aspirational lifestyle that developed during the interwar period that included architecture, arts and design. Various  stylistic terms were applied to buildings including Streamline Moderne, Stripped Classical, Jazz Moderne (and sometimes Modernist) to describe the diversity and intermixing of building styles and influences during this period.

It is always a pleasure for me to come across new examples of Art Deco styling and details so when I was asked by Brisbane Art Deco to help contribute images for their new publication I was only to happy to help as Brisbane has far fewer examples of Art Deco compared to Melbourne and Sydney.    Brisbane; Images – Nov. 2014-Jan 2015.

Client: Brisbane Art Deco community project.